Consistent Branding for Orthodontic Practices

Patients and parents have a lot of choices when it comes to choosing an orthodontist. We know that successful orthodontic practices embrace marketing and branding to help their practice thrive. And if there is one thing POS knows – it’s how to create and strengthen your brand.

Take a look at the samples below. They are all professionally designed and follow a consistent brand.

POS - Orthodontic Welcome PacketPatient Welcome Packet

Send a welcome packet prior to the first appointment. Include a practice overview, introduce your providers, educate on treatment plans and much more.  

POS - Orthodontic Treatment PlansTreatment Plans

Your typical patient is with your practice for two years. During that time you have a very regimented course of action. Educate your patients by sharing the various phases of their treatment, their appliances, time between treatments and so on.

POS - Orthodontic Referral BooksIncrease Referrals

We understand the importance of referrals for Orthodontic practices. It’s a best practice to establish a referral program with flyers, refer-a-friend cards and referral books. Referral books are a powerful tool for dental and pediatric offices. The books have a wrap-around cover with all your practice information and a referral pad inside.

POS - Orthodontic Social Rating Thank YouGet Social

Social media is a powerful way that people (young and old) communicate. Increase your social rating by sending a thank you note to your patients and ask them to review your practice.

POS - Orthodontic Practice BrochureMarket Your Practice

Create a practice brochure that paints a picture of your practice – location, services, provider bio, patient reviews, etc. Contact local general and pediatric dentists about displaying your brochure in their waiting room.