When Does Quality Matter?

posted on Thursday, May 19, 2016

A while back a doctor shared an interesting letter that he received from a patient. The patient said, “Your offices are fantastic…but your business cards…don’t read Top Shelf Doctor”. And of course POS was happy to help the doctor rectify the situation. 

All of us make choices about quality. Sometimes we think we’re buying quality but we don’t get it. Sometimes we compromise a little quality for something cheaper. It is easy to forget everything in your office makes an impression. Whether it be a website, a business card, or a receptionist, no one intends to make a bad impression. 

So you might make some 20¢ copies of a form or print a 50¢ color brochure and not worry that a few were crooked. They were fast and easy. What is the harm in that? Probably nothing, right? But what subtle impressions do choices like this make with referring doctors? Or patients who are looking for a high-quality care provider?

In these times of increasing pressure to control costs, it helps to have someone you can trust to help you make choices. Someone who can recommend a paper stock or help decide if an item should be printed? Or whether copies will do? Someone who will be there for the long haul.  Someone who delivers quality and has your best interest in mind…

Click here to learn more about how POS can help.

  1. branding
  2. print