Shining a Light on Population Health

posted on Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It’s hard to believe 2016 is a mere two-plus weeks away. Many practices are wrapping up their 2016 strategic plans. Practice profitability and an improved patient experience are main objectives for sure. Do you know if your practice has plans in the New Year to shine a light on health and wellness outreach in your local community? Questions to consider:

1) Are there certain educational topics and initiatives your practice can help highlight in your community?

2) What are different ways you can share health and wellness information in your community?

a) Media advertisements
b) Outreach programs to schools, nursing homes, businesses, etc.
c) Local community events such as farmers markets and community fairs
d) Social Media and the Internet

According to Medical Economics the goal of strategic planning is to get better as a practice and determine plans for the next five years. Strategic thinking involves an internal and external focus with the main goal of moving the practice forward.

Consider what external outreach strategies you have in place for improving your community’s health outcomes.

  1. poulation health